Emma Bernice's Blog

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My iPAD is a Negative Influence.


“Emma are you doing your homework?” ” Lol… Wait Brb.” “Emma….” ” Yeah, yeah I know. iPads are so distracting!

Not only does the bright neon, fluorescent keep you eyes attracted to it. But it also creates a zombie look to your face. It is literally a portable, miniature T.V! Well no duh we can’t keep our eyes off of it! When teachers say “Apples Up!”, you got to admit you hide it under your desk… Well-don’t tell anybody- because I do. Back to the point, it keeps me another world. I admit, my eyes will drift to someone’s abstract screen. Next thing you know, the whole lesson will go in one ear and out the other.

Furthermore, the games don’t help that much either. This one game called Flappy Birds, annoys the ( you know what ) out of me! I don’t see the point of constantly tapping the iPad screen. The game is clearly pointless!… But so addicting, but not as addicting as texting.

Another distraction is the texting! No matter how hard I try… I end up catching up on my “daily dose” of school drama. I think it is a lot easier to text your friend in class, than go “old school” and pass a note.

So the next time a teacher says ” apples up!”, or my mom has to constantly saying my name. I’ll grind my teeth, sit on my hands, and watch the bright little screen flicker off.

8 Comments to

“My iPAD is a Negative Influence.”

  1. February 17th, 2014 at 3:56 pm      Reply elizabethj622 Says:

    This expository is great! And sadly extremely true!

  2. February 17th, 2014 at 8:11 pm      Reply kendallc629 Says:

    I really like your Expository Topic! I never would of thought to do that. I really like your second paragraph-it drives me crazy when someone’s playing on their iPad during class and the teacher doesn’t notice. It’s so hard to focus! All in all, really great job on this.

  3. February 18th, 2014 at 10:36 pm      Reply Mrs. Kriese Says:

    Love your use of specific imagery here, Emma. Well done!

    As for the iPad distraction…hmm…I like texting and TV-watching, too. The key is the timing of those activities, right? Glad you’re aware of your weakness in focus and will power when it comes to your iPad, because then you can address the issue :- )

  4. February 19th, 2014 at 10:43 pm      Reply sophien619 Says:

    This is great! I love the topic because 1 it’s true and 2 it really explains!

  5. February 20th, 2014 at 2:19 pm      Reply hopew551 Says:

    Wow Emma, this is really good, and your right! Every time I get on my iPad I kinda zone everything out, and only focus on the iPad…. We’ll anyways great expository!

  6. February 20th, 2014 at 2:26 pm      Reply stephaniel566 Says:

    I love how everything flows in this! You also have a lot of voice In this which makes it fun to read. This is really good!

  7. February 20th, 2014 at 3:21 pm      Reply elizabethj622 Says:

    I especially love the words you used bright neon fluorescent. And I never end up uderstanding the lesson in math because the guy in front of me is always playing flappy bird!

  8. February 20th, 2014 at 10:02 pm      Reply DaniCC213 Says:

    2This is too true! My mom is always yelling at me for stop watching/playing on my Ipad and-like you said- the bright little screen can really be distracted. It’s like a little hypnotizing watch that puts you under an unbreakable spell!…Oh yeah, great expository by the way!

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February 2014

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